"Ankobia" in Twi means those who lead the battle in commitment and courage. Ankobia6 (A6), is a 'finding family roots' program for individuals or small groups of community residents. It involves research, discovery and presentation (story-telling). Participants move through six phases of global genealogy and history for beginners (A6):
A1. Why Roots? A2. Autobiography A3. Elders A4. Sasha & Zamani (ancestors 'in' living memory and 'beyond' living memory) A5. Afrika I Belong (deep ancestry) A6. Bearing Tradition (sharing/story-telling event)
Do you run an organization in need of Family Research teaching? Are you coordinating your Family Reunion and want to make the most of it? Are you that 1 person taking responsibility for organizing all the wonderful family history (but feels like its a mess and scattered)? Our Ankobia6 (A6) program is for you. We are all aware of the toll that lack of self-knowledge and self-respect and mis-education can take on our community. A6 helps:
Build intelligent family research plans.
Generate findings that carry values & traditions forward.
Receive training in basic genealogy research, spreadsheet use, internet navigation and other skills needed to re-construct our own personal family history and align it to the wider global Ourstory.
ReIdren Staff can also map out the specific next steps of your research-to recover your Personal History better, deeper & with meaning. Why pay someone $55/hr over a 20 hour project plus expenses as a genealogist (sometimes adding up to well over $2,000) when we can teach YOU to do YOUR OWN RESEARCH effectively in just a few hours time to much deeper impact. All you need is access to the internet & a printer and a library card. You will soon be discovering information on your family you had NO IDEA about before. Bring us in today.
“Do not be mistaken, the object of the man is not to make a carpenter, but the object of a carpenter is to make a man.”
Download free Pedigree (family tree) Chart
Afro-American Hist. & Genealogical Soc. New England Chapter
AAHGS - Resources Page
MA Registry of Vital Records genealogical research African American Research
Cyndi's List - African-American
Center For African-American Genealogical Research
I've Traced My Ancestor's Slaveholders
African-Native Genealogy Webpage
African American Military History
CWSS Project: United States Colored Troops
African American Cemeteries Online
Your Family: past, present and future
Great Antebellum Archives List (twitterfeed)
Using Black Newspapers for Genealogy
Excellent US Overview/Census History Page
AfriGeneas Slave Data Collection
African American Cemeteries Online
100 tools to get you started building a family tree (type ctrl + F and search by keywords: 'African' or 'Latino' for example).
Large Slaveholders of 1860 and African American Surname Matches from 1870
Organization of United States Colored Troops By State
United States Sailors and Soldier
Homegoings by Isaiah Owens (link) 10:00min
Fly Hat Fly - Gcina Mhpole (link) 2:10min
Gullah - Sierra Leone Research / Connections, 'Family Across the Sea' (,166) related Film: 'The Language You Cry In' (
Prezi (excellent for sharing family history presentations)
Google Hangouts (good site for working together)
Most recent common ancestor & DNA - Incest & Folk-Dancing: Two things to be avoided