DEEP WEEKEND LEARNINGS in the comfort of a local charter van. Enjoy a smooth ride in our 15-passenger van as we explore various Boston/MA locations during a two-hour+ tour, complete with snacks and an in-cabin monitor. Yes. We break it waaaay down. Discover Black History like never before. Do NOT Sleep on this rare opportunity featuring FIVE different tours this fall:


Hidden History of Black BOSTON (4)

Long Wharf, North End, Beacon Hill, South End, Lower Roxbury. What do they have in common? Black livity: four hundred years. Come learn more about it. (2hrs +).

10:00am Sunday Oct. 6 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch BPL)

2:00pm Sunday Oct. 6 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch BPL)

11:00am Wednesday Oct. 16 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch BPL)

11:00am Wednesday Oct. 23 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch BPL)


Hidden History of Black CAMBRIDGE (3)


The story of Cambridge Mass “University City” is incomplete without Afro-Cantibridgians. Africans led important lives & accomplishments from colonial times, through the abolitionist movement to civil rights and black lives matters. Come learn more as Cambridge took its being these last four centuries (including Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Brattle Street, Harvard Square, Mid-Cambridge, and the Port). Depart: Central Square (2hr +)

11:00am Wednesday Oct. 9 (Round trip from Central Sq. MA Ave & Essex St.)

10:00am Saturday Nov. 2 (Round trip from Central Sq. MA Ave & Essex St.)

2:00pm Saturday Nov. 2 (Round trip from Central Sq. MA Ave & Essex St.)

Beyond Those Battlefields: The Hidden History of Black CONCORD


Ceasar, Susan, Ellen, John-Jack, Cuff, Chloris, & Jack are historical metro-west Black folk we need to know about. How did they show and live Black agency, Black freedom minded-ness and Black humanity-tracking. Through historical war~battle and personally waged fronts, learn about African America in Concord & Massachusetts from the 1600s to today. Depart: Main St. at Concord Academy (2hrs +)

11:00am Saturday Oct. 5th (Round trip from 185 Main St. @ Concord Academy)

A LOVE Supreme: Boston’s Iconic Black Couples in History & Their Works

What did the Latimers, the Trotters, Ned & Dinah, Mark and ‘Wife’, and the Kings DO? Come learn more about Black Love in action in Boston. (2hrs +) Depart: Roxbury Branch Library, Nubian Square

10:00am Sunday Oct. 13 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch Library)

2:00pm Sunday Oct. 13 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch Library)


Black Ankoben (WARrior): Sites of Black Resistance & Organization


From (ki)Kongo to Wolof homelands, to slaver ‘cut off’ rebellions, to day-to-day rebell, to American Counter-Revolutions, to Double V and other Black ‘Readinesses’. Join Us.

10:00am Sunday Oct. 20 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch Library)

2:00pm Sunday Oct. 20 (Round trip from Roxbury Branch Library)

Hidden History of The Black North SHore

Did you know that printer Benjamin Roberts (Grandfather of Sarah Roberts in Roberts v. City of Boston) was born in Salem MA? He was the printer of the famous abolitionist broadside “Caution Colored People.” What connects incredible stories across Salem, Beverly, Marblehead, Lynn and Middleton? Black livity. ..from Phillis and John, to Joseph and Mary, Juno and Mingo, and Beloved Frederick, Come Join us. Lift up North Shore educational vibes. (Departing from Salem Armory Visitor Center, 2 New Liberty St, Salem, MA)

Times and Dates to be announced soon (Round trip from 2 New Liberty St)



Each fully narrated tour includes dynamic guidance and discussion as we give context for the last 400 years of Black Experience in Boston, Massachusetts, the United States, and the world. Your learning/touring experience with RE-IDREN supports self-knowledge, personalizes Ourstory, and uplifts the community.


These tours highlight the hidden history of Black Boston: wbur.org/news/2023/12/07/tours-hidden-history-black-boston

Engaging Geography in the Humanities: https://humanitiesforall.org/blog/a-reflection-on-engaging-geography-in-the-humanities

About Your Guide

    Bro. Joel Mackall is an award winning Educator & Project Developer with the ReIdren Business Group based in Roxbury MA.  He is the co-founder of the S.O.S. Living Museum, the Hidden History of Black Boston Tours, the Nubian Writer's Group and is a self-published author.  He has also served as secretary of the Cameroonians of Lowell Association, as an officer on the Warren Gardens Housing Cooperative board, on the advisory council of the Network of Immigrant and African American Solidarity and as a technology chairperson with the Black Community Information Center. 

    Bro. Joel presented "Excellence AND Culture: Operating Your Cooperative Better, Simpler and Truer" at the National Association of Housing Cooperatives Annual Conference in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands and "Why Do We Black Folks Hate On Each Other?" at the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations' Ancient Egyptian Studies Conference in Newark, NJ. 

He has led/facilitated numerous professional workshops in Greater Boston on topics including genealogy, African & world history , business design and technology at the Freedom House, Mother Caroline Academy, Warren Gardens, Roxbury Multi-Service Center, Roxbury Community College, Emerson College, Lesley College, South Bay House of Correction, almost all of the BPL neighborhood branches and Walden Square Technology Center (north Cambridge), in both English and Spanish.

To learn more/create a custom project, contact Joel by dropping a message in the form in the footer below (smile).

Downtown Walking Tours Arriving

Public Transportation: Haymarket MBTA station (Orange and Green Lines, MBTA bus routes).

Hidden history of BLack boston/new england Grapevine

Right Now Travel Group - Summer 2022

“I am a travel consultant based in Virginia. I decided to plan several African American Heritage group tours, and the first one was for New York, Martha's Vineyard, and Boston. Joel Mackall's Black Boston tour was beyond SUPERB!!!! My group was fascinated by the information Mr. Mackall provided. His knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm were evident throughout our tour. After receiving rave tour reviews from my group, I contacted Mr. Mackall to let him know the value of his tour was much more than we paid. I HIGHLY recommend the Black Boston tour to anyone visiting the area. It is a must!!

~Hettie Holmes-Carter, Owner, Right Now Travel Consultants, LLC

"I highly recommend the Hidden History of Black Boston Tour.  It was enlightening.  To stand on sites in the local areas of Boston and vicinity that show how African American activists dedicated their lives to the cuase of freedom was inspiring. It elucidated the importance of fulfilling the mission of NIAAS. Joel is a dedicated tour leader. He is not only well informed but his historical research is ongoing. Additional information will be provided on future tours.  We live in the North. You will learn about Phillis Wheatley, a slave in Boston in the 1700s who not only became literate but was the first Black person and the third woman in the United States to publish a book of poems.  It is chilling to be just outside of Boston in Medford, Massachusetts on property, now a museum, where one of the buildings was slave quarters and the other the master's house. But there it is, in your face. Burial grounds are often visible to us in Massachusetts, as we drive by them.  Joel takes you into the cemetery where you can see, touch and ponder the burial place of Prince Hall who is recognized as the father of Black Masonry in the United States. He established his African Fraternal Lodge of Masons as far back as 1784. Because of Prince Hall's efforts, the world-wide lodge numbers in present day have increased to well over 4,500. I was moved by this historical information being part of Joel's tour because my late father was a Prince Hall mason.  We totaled eight people, comfortable on this van tour. I knew that I was in good company. Look for the next opportunity to go on this tour. Joel, the great tour guide, will not disappoint!   Sincerely, Dolores"

~Dolores Alleyne Goode, Ph.D.

"HHBNE gave me gold and diamonds from this tour because of the knowledge I gained; such remarkable history was revealed. I have lived in the Boston area for over ten years and have never been anywhere as important and educative like the places we visited on this tour. I was so moved to see the house that Malcolm X lived in and so proud knowing that one of my contry women, a slave in Boston in the 1700s, was literate, a writer and was the first black person and the third woman in the United States to publish a book of poems.

Thank you Joel & Kotey you are the best."

~Fatou D. Fatty

Visitor Resources

Blackstonian (Black Boston 411 24/7): https://blackstonian.org/

The Museum of the National Center of Afro American Artists (NCAAA): http://ncaaa.org/

Museum of African American History: https://www.maah.org/

Black Community Information Center: http://blackinfonow.org/

MeetBoston Links: https://www.meetboston.com/things-to-do/cross-cultural-boston/blackboston/

City of Boston Links: https://www.boston.gov/visiting-boston#resources

Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau: https://www.bostonusa.com/

Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism: https://www.massvacation.com/

Afro-Boston Resources


The Negro in Colonial New England 1620-1776 https://www.amazon.com/Negro-Colonial-New-England-1620-1776/dp/1684220521

Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation 1780-1860 https://www.amazon.com/Disowning-Slavery-Gradual-Emancipation-1780-1860/dp/0801484375

Memoir of Mrs. Chloe Spear https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47df-956d-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

Slavery in the Age of Reason https://books.google.com/books/about/Slavery_in_the_Age_of_Reason.html

Common Ground https://www.amazon.com/Common-Ground-Turbulent-American-Families-ebook/dp/B008ZPFQIS

Belinda’s Petition https://www.amazon.com/Belindas-Petition-Concise-Reparations-TransAtlantic/dp/1441514430

Love and Freedom https://www.amazon.com/Love-Freedom-Colonial-Revolutionary-England/dp/0195389085

Ten Hills Farm https://www.amazon.com/Ten-Hills-Farm-Forgotten-History/dp/0691150354

The Poems of Phillis Wheatley https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/phillis-wheatley

People Before Highways https://www.amazon.com/People-before-Highways-Activists-Planners/dp/1625342977

Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Blame-Us-Transformation-Democratic/dp/069117623X















Afro-New England Links


Medford MA - https://royallhouse.org/home/education/

Medford MA - http://www.medfordhistorical.org/collections/slave-trade-letters/

Salem MA - https://www.salem.org/black-history-month/

MA - https://www.antislaverymanuscripts.org/

New Bedford MA - Nathan & Mary Johnson Properties https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/underground/ma6.htm

Salem MA National Parks: https://www.nps.gov/sama/learn/historyculture/upload/SalemAfAmsitessm.pdf

Plymouth MA - Parting Ways Cemetary https://www.facebook.com/PartingWaysCemetary/

Upper Housatonic Valley African American Trail: http://www.africanamericantrail.org/

Greater Boston Segregation/Redlining: https://www.segregationbydesign.com/boston


Providence Rhode Island - https://www.stagesoffreedom.org/walking-tours

Providence Walks Early Black History Tour

Rhode Island Slave History Medallions

Middletown Rhode Island - https://riblackheritagesociety.wildapricot.org/ Rhode Island Black Heritage Society

Newport Rhode Island - http://www.gildedageincolor.com/ The African American Summer Experience in Newport, RI from 1870 to 1925

Newport Rhode Island - http://www.colonialcemetery.com/ God’s Little Acre, America’s Colonial African Cemetery


New Haven Connecticut - https://discoveringamistad.org/


Portsmouth New Hampshire - http://blackheritagetrailnh.org/


Vermont African American Heritage Trail



Mbongi (Teacher Location)

Travel/Transportation Safety



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